A common desire among people of all ages is to have whiter teeth. However, some people naturally have whiter teeth than others, so there is only so much a person can do to get their teeth as white as possible. There are quite a few tips and tricks that have worked for people to whiten their teeth. Some involve food and drinks, while others involve the use of common ingredients most people keep in their homes. Here are a few teeth whitening tips you can use to make your smile a little brighter:
Adding baking soda to your toothbrush - This is one of the easiest things to try that doesn’t require much of an investment. Just take your toothbrush, add some baking soda to it, and brush your teeth. The worst part about this teeth whitening tip is the taste, but if you can get past that you’ll be all set.
Eat more fruits & vegetables - A natural teeth whitening technique is eating more fruits and vegetables, particularly strawberries. It has been said that strawberries contain malic acid which can aid in removing discoloration on teeth.
Cut back on foods with added sugars - Sugar will add to the amount of decay on your teeth, so if you want them whiter it’s best to cut back on sweets. When you have a sugar craving, be sure to brush your teeth right after to minimize the amount of time the sugar is sitting on your teeth.
Drink less coffee & red wine -
Coffee and red wine are the enemies of anyone who is on a teeth whitening journey. If you can’t go without your red wine, then take a sip of water after every sip of wine. The water will keep your teeth from getting stained. For coffee, drink iced coffee from a straw when you can instead of sipping hot coffee.